10 August 2010

4 a.m.

The nice thing about waking up in the middle of the night unable to go back to sleep on a farm is that it is not, in fact, the middle of the night. It is early morning, and there is a fat ton of work to do.

-take care of colicky mare (hopefully that shot of Banamine and an overnight stay in a dry lot did the trick).
-check, double check, and triple check all water tanks. (five 100-gallon tanks filled twice a day = 1000 gallons, not including fields with automatic waterers.)
-figure out what the heck i'm doing wrong regarding the polybraid electric fence i just put up (totally befuddled by electrical circuitry).
-extend aforementioned electric fence (i continually forget how quickly one horse wears the ground down).
-fix front gate (it was off one of it's hinges last night. NO idea why. i let it go for the night b/c i get that way, too, sometimes - best just to leave it alone for a bit.)
-continue fence repair/renovation (miles of it).
-learn, once and for all, WHERE to put the period when a sentence ends in parentheses.

I need to finish the majority of these tasks by noon. It's suppose to be 110 degrees...again.
Later, sleepyheads!

PS. the other nice thing about waking up so early - i can waste time on the computer and still be outside by 6 7 :)