04 August 2010

Fahrenheit 114

Today was the hottest day of the year, possibly the hottest day of my life.

Having recently recovered from a mild case of heat exhaustion, i opted to stay inside as much as possible. When it's too hot to work outside there is plenty of work to do inside. The bummer is that most of today involved staring at a computer screen.

The thing about working on the computer when the body is accustomed to outdoor manual labor - it messes with a girl's schedule. My brain is tired, but my body doesn't feel like it exerted enough energy to warrant sleep. My eyes wanna bleed; my feet wanna run. And here i am, typing when i should be sleeping.

Five o'clock is going to hurt.

So today, the hottest day of the year, i edited photos, caught up on bookkeeping tasks, made lots of lists, and finally tidied up this little piece of cyberspace that is my blog. It wasn't an especially interesting day - certainly not worth writing about. However, in six months when i have to work in a blizzard-ice storm-tornado-earthquake, i'll read this post and (hopefully) find some consolation in knowing that at least it's not 114 degrees outside...and that i learned to spell Fahrenheit correctly.